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      03-15-2011, 11:45 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by SS32 View Post
If you have a quality sound system, there is a noticeable difference. I can't stand hearing anything lower than a 256kb MP3. I never thought I had much of an ear for it until recently. I got a 192kb copy of an album and was listening to it my car and there is a distinct difference from the rest of my music and the speakers in my car aren't that great. If I can't find FLAC, I'll download a 320kb version, anything lower sounds like sh!t the speakers in my living room. But like I said, you have to have a good source and speaker pair to ever tell a difference.

Thank you SS32, you are 100% right. What JayKay is saying is correct if you have an 'average' audio system (i.e. the audio system in 99.999% of our cars, or the ones attached to TVs). If you have a *good* system, there is certainly a difference.

As blake said, and you as well 320 bit rate is really good enough for me if I can't find the FLAC, anything lower and I can certainly tell the difference.

And I also agree that the 'digitizing' of music has also allowed quality to be completely dropped to the wayside.
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