Originally Posted by Solaris9
"Wait, didn't you explain that they called her Bella, short for Isabella and how it was weird the first time you heard her called Isabella? Thats a lot of work for a fake name when you could have just chose any name."
""My real target was Bella or Isabel which turns out is her real name. But she went by Bella to everyone else."
Why would you say that if it wasn't her real name or not made up."
Excuse me but...HEH? Maybe it's my reading comprehension or something...but her real name is Isabel. Short for Bella. I never heard her called by the name "Isabella". I knew her by Isabel on the plane. NOT Isabella. Thus the reason why I said the following from the 2nd chapter:
"I was thinking I got dissed until a girl picked up the phone and it was her. "Bella speaking" She sounded so fucking cute I wanted to fuck her through the phone but I wasn't quite sure it was her just yet. She sounded a bit different over the phone and she told me her name was Isabel on the plane."
So what am I missing? So everyone and their mother knows her by Bella. For all intents and purposes that's her real name. Everyone that she knows calls her that. Technically, on paper, her real name is Isabel, which I stated. But some of her friends don't even know that. Everyone calls her Bella. Hahaha. So where is there any inconsistency in that? Pardon me if it's just my reading comprehension. But if it's yours...go easy and read it again. Relax. Anyway...this whole thing is starting to just annoy me now anyway. People like nodickwhitebelt who swears on his mommy's shit stained knickers that this is just boring but keeps coming back probably 30 times a day to check the thread...if I could somehow type out in my best retard voice I would say to you, "STOP READING THE THREAD IF IT IS THAT BORING. GET A LIFE!" And other conspiracy theorists who really really really want this to be fake. For those people I say, "If you really think that someone could on the fly just write something up like this in so much detail and not step on their own foot and show everyone undeniably that it was fake...then you have a whole lot of confidence in people's writing abilities. Maybe I should be a freestyle rapper. Then ask yourself, 'Why am I trying SOOO hard to prove it wrong?'"
Look at the writing style...the typos...the misformatting. So if I could be so terrible technically it would seem obvious to me that the errors were all by accident...that I didn't go over the details with a fine tooth comb...that I just typed it and posted it. The only editing I ever did (and Kirik or any mod can vouch for this) was to line wrapping. The details were always the same. Ask a mod So if this is not obvious to you, then, maybe you have yet another conspiracy that I manufactured all the typos, formatting, grammatical errors, etc...because I anticipated people doubting the story and I could use that angle to defend it.
Well...like I said a long time ago in the thread. Believe what you want. It is the internet afterall. So here. For the people that think the story is made up then...you're right. I have no life so I made it all up just to make some people on some random forum happy. It's abosolutely fulfilling to get the compliments that I got on this forum. It just makes me feel sooo good about myself. OK, there. now move on and don't read the thread anymore For the people that think the story is true then I say that this story is in fact something that really happened both fortunately and unfortunately. I spent quite a bit of time writing everything out. At first it was cool for me cause I could relive the events in my mind through the writing. But now I already have and some people are just annoying. So I might finish the story sometime but right now I don't feel like it anymore.
And there's no way that I'm showing pictures of the girls to people for obvious reasons. This story already hit other forums and it will just cement my assholeness to the girls for writing our little story on the internet for all to see if they were ever to get word of it. I have no doubt that they will somehow see it if what some of you say is true...that it got around on tons of other forums.
Anyways, See ya!