Bella was gleaming on the ride home because she thinks me and her mom hit it off so well. She had never been so casual with anyone else. Really there was only one of note (Chad) but whatever. She might have dated other guys before but I didn't really care. Suddendly we're a bit quiet and she realizes that she was supposed to register for her courses the following day and had also forgotten to call Lisa to see if she was free to hang around with me. She says, "We'll stop at Lisa's flat on the way home." And so we do. When we get there it's slightly raining...just a little...not enough to get drenched, but, enough to feel it. Bella didn't want to get wet so she says, "Hey why don't you run up. Lisa likes surprises. She'll like that." I agreed and run up to her apartment. I knock and after a couple of rounds knocking she opens the door. She's in her jammies...the same ones she had on the night we had our little encounter in the library at Bella's place.
Me - "You stole those."
Lisa - "Why yes. I did." Looking kind of smug. "Actually when you were still sleeping I asked Bella if I could borrow them. I thought they looked cute on me."
Me - "They do."
Lisa - "You guys have been busy. I haven't seen you."
Me - "Yeah I know. Bella wanted to spend a little time with just us." By now I realized the best way to be with Lisa was to be frank. She saw through bullshit like it was a window anyway.
Lisa - "Did you like that?"
Me - "Yes. I did actually. I do still like your sister you know."
Lisa - A bit irritated now "So why are you here then? Where's Bella?"
Me - "She's in the car. She has to register for her courses for the next couple of days and she thought it might be a good idea for you and I to hang around so I won't get bored."
Lisa - "You sure I won't be too boring without Bella?"
Me - In a more serious tone "You're anything but boring." Remembering her promise to me..."I thought it would be a perfect time to get to know eachother a little better, too. But you don't seem in the mood."
Lisa - "I'm sorry. I just felt kind of ditched."
Me - "What could I have done? Anyway, if you're free tomorrow would be a wonderful time. But if you're not in the mood it's OK. But I'll call you at least to say hi. I'll get your number from Bella." And I turned and started walking away. "Good night"
Lisa - "Wait." Pause. "I have work tomorrow."
Me - "So it wouldn't have worked out anyway."
Lisa - "The owner is my best friend. He'll let me go. Especially I told him about you. But only on one condition..."
Me - "Yes..?"
Lisa - "You have to come by so he can meet you. Then he'll know I wasn't making the whole thing up."
Me - "Are you going to be nice again?"
Lisa - "Yes. I promise." She motions me to come to her back at the door where she had draped herself leaning on the beam. She pulls my chin and gives me a kiss on my lips. "Promise you'll come?"
A car horn blows. And with the rain nobody was out in the streets so it seemed loud. It was surely Bella wondering what was taking so long.
Me - "Promise." I wink at her break away and turn to go downstairs to the car.
Bella had a curious look on her face and when I got in the car my suspicions were correct. She wonders, "Were you two having a drink?". "No. No. She wasn't dressed so she had to go get something on while I waited." I responded. Bella, "She's always walking around naked...ever since we were little children." She seemed to have bought my little lie. Lying was becoming easier in this situation. So it seemed at the time anyway. When I look back now I realize that it gets harder and harder the more you do it. And it all starts with the first one. On the ride home I was suddendly confused. I had lost a bit of interest in Bella that seemed impossible just a few hours earlier. But her impatience had kind of rubbed me the wrong way a bit. Or maybe it was that I was completely engulfed in the thought being alone with Lisa the following day. It was a weird feeling and it didn't go away that night.
We got home to Bella's place and without saying too much we were getting ready for bed. Finally I was in bed looking up at the ceiling. Bella as usual came out of the bathroom a few minutes afterwards. She settled in and turned to her side facing me. I was just kind of quiet and after a couple of minutes she says, "I'm sorry if I acted rude in the car. I noticed you were kind of quiet on the ride home. I hope you're not dissapointed."
Me - "Bella. You weren't rude. Besides, I don't sweat small stuff like someone honking a horn for me to hurry up." I was laughing a bit at her suggestion that I would be upset by that.
Bella - "OK." She laughs at herself a bit and is instantly cheerier. Then she kisses me goodnight. She french kisses me I think to see if I wanted to make love to her that night. And I kiss her back but after a while didn't take it any further.
Me - "You have a long day tomorrow. We should get some sleep." It was a kind of awkward moment. I know we both felt it. I'm sure she wondered why since I had just said I wasn't upset about anything. If she only knew the real reason why I was in a funny mood. But I couldn't tell her and didn't want to. After what seemed like forever I finally fell asleep.
To be continued...