Here we are all laying down on the bed. We we're talking about the success of the party and the conversation drifted to her friend Charlize. She began telling stories of Charlize and their childhood adventures and such, then the storytelling drifted to stories about Lisa and her. I was mainly quiet just trying not to get a hard on but also listening to Bella who was doing most of the talking. Lisa was turned to her side facing me with one hand propping up her head and Bella would alternate between laying her head on my chest to laying on her back. Both girls had on jammies that were slim fitting and thin so I was in heaven at the same time I was in hell cause I couldn't allow myself to get excited. But what normal red blooded male wouldn't be thinking about that?
I found out that "all the guys liked Bella" according to Lisa. But Bella said that Lisa always was the one with the different boyfriends. No surprise there. Then they start probing me about my past relationships. Bella at least knew about the one (my ex fiance) but they were teasing that I probably got with a ton of chicks before. I denied it and said that I'd only been with 3 girls. Hahaha. They didn't buy and we're like, "Yeah right. Tell us the truth." I said, "Serious...but with those three girls I had crazy wild unbridled sex with..." They knew I was joking and were laughing. Lisa decided to take the conversation to a different direction and asked what the kinkiest thing I've done was. I was like, "Uuuhh...." while I looked at Bella and she was laughing but kind of trying not to as if we'd done some of that kinky stuff. I guess you could call anal sex pretty kinky. I mean I'd never done that before Bella. So in a way that was the kinkiest physical act I'd done. But, I've done other things like role playing and shit that I was smart enough not to admit. I knew better. I said, " comment..." and Bella was laughing but we didn't admit anything. She turned to her side again with her leg thrown over my mine. She asked, "Why don't you tell US what the kinkiest thing YOU'VE done?" directing her question to Lisa.
Lisa - "I've been with a girl before."
Bella - "Who?" Not doubting her but more to ask who figuring she would know her.
Lisa - "Samantha Brown (That wasn't her name but I can't fucking remember what it really I'm just using that as a placeholder)"
Lisa - "I know. I know. It was fun actually."
Bella - "So did you guys do it do it or just kiss and stuff?"
Lisa - "We did everything that girls could do to eachother..."
Bella - "Oh my god.." Jaw dropping in disbelief but actually smiling and excited with the idea. "So did you guys keep doing it?"
Lisa - "You mean more than once? Yeah for about a month or so..."
Bella just sighs shaking her head trying to contain her disbelief with the news of her sister's sexual adventures.
Lisa - "And I've been with 2 guys before.."
Bella - "What? This is too much Lisa. I don't even know you..."
And everyone busts up in laughter for a gets quiet for a second and then...
Bella - "So...what was that like? Were'nt you scared? I mean 2 guys..."
Lisa - "No. It wasn't scary. I was nervous at first but that went away really fast after..."
Bella - Bella cuts her off "I don't even want to fact I don't even want to know who with"
Lisa - Seemingly very proud of herself now cause she has done things that Bella hasn't dared to do... "It was alot nicer than you think and I think every girl has a secret fantasy even if they don't admit it..."
Bella - "Not me.."
Lisa - "Yes you do."
Bella just shakes her head obviously thinking about what that would be like...
Lisa - "I know Marc's had some kinky experiences that he's not fessing up to...I'm not alone..."
Bella was lookinga at me to see what I'd say...
Me - "Like what?"
Lisa - "I don't anal sex...been with 2 girls...2 guys I don't know..."
We all start busting up laughing and Bella and I look at eachother knowing that we'd done the first thing she mentioned. But we still didn't admit to anything. Lisa notices that we looked at eachother...
Lisa - "See you guys aren't fessing up."
Me - "We've had anal sex."
Bella - "Marc!?" As she punches me and tickles me in the ribs...
Lisa - "I knew it! See..."
Me - "But that's it. Haven't been with 2 guys sorry to disappoint you... and laying her in bed with you 2 is the closest I've been to 2 girls..."
Shit I couldn't believe I'd said that. Even though I said it as a joke, Bella might think that I was suggesting it. In my mind Lisa being the obvious freak that she is would probably be down for it. So I decided to play it safe and make Bella think that I'd had enough of the conversation...just so she thinks that I'm on the monogomous tip and that I'm certainly not suggesting a 3way with her sister.
Me - "OK. I think it's time for bed now..." Hinting that the conversation had reached the end..
Bella just laughs and says, "You guys are crazy..". Lisa gets up and starts walking towards the light switch. Her ass and figure are captivating after the conversation we just had. Bella and I were both looking at her as she walked. But just to make sure that it didn't look like I was checking Lisa out I turned to Bella and smiled and just shook my head. She just laughed. Lisa turns off the lights and we all plop down and start to get settled for the night. We start trying to sleep. I think we were all having a hard time sleeping but eventually they dozed off. I was trying hard not to get horny but all I could think about was fucking Lisa's brains out. I had this brilliant idea turn to my side facing Bella who was facing away from me...that way if I get a boner Bella would naturally assume it was because I was spooning her. I was spooning her and started gently grinding my dick against her ass and I can feel her pussy lips spread every so slightly through her thin pants. She moaned and I kept doing what I was doing. Then I see her give a slight smile and whisper, "I'm sooo tired..." I said, "I'm sorry. I'm just so awake right now. I'll let you sleep."
Bella apologized for being to tired. Plus in her sleepiness she probably forgot that Lisa was on the other side of me. "I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you tomorrow. If you're too awake you can go watch TV for a while." I said, "OK.". Gave her a kiss on the cheek and tried to somehow balance myself over her and onto the other side so I could stand up. As I was doing that her eyes were still closed but she gave me a kiss on my lips and said, "Don't stay up too late." I mosied on outside trying to be as quiet as possible not to wake them. I flipped on the TV and the volume was fucking loud. You know when you turn on the tube and forgot that the last time it was on you had the volume way up? Well, I forgot that the TV was on during the party at different times and they must have had to turn it up to hear it cause it was a loud ass party after all. I was like, "Shit!" and I scrambled to get the volume low. I found the volume controls pretty quickly but I'm sure Bella heard that if she was still awake.
Nobody came out and I was like, "Whew.." and started laughing to myself. I proceeded to watch the tube and didn't know what the fuck I was watching. The shows were kind of weird and after several rounds all the way through the channels I gave up. For a second I thought about watching a movie but I would have to open the fucking drawer of the armoir and open the movie, pop it in, figure out the fucking DVD player, all kinds of shit...all while I was trying to be as quiet as a mouse. So I decided not to mess with that and went into the library which was a bit further away from the bedroom. I turned on only one reading lamp and thought that I could sit in the cozy reading chair beside it. I would surely find something interesting. I opened a book on traveling that looked like it would have cool pictures. It did, but it didn't grab me the way I thought it would. I opened another one and it was the same deal. Maybe I just wasn't in the mood for traveling books. So I decided to look for some more intelligent reading that would make me sleepy. I searched for where I saw Existentialism by Immanuel Kant. Probably my favorite book to this day. I began refamiliarizing myself with this book and this man's ideas that so shaped my way of thinking. It had such a profound effect on me that it had alot to do with the philosophical changes that I forced myself through in order to get out of gangs, depression, drugs, etc...But that's another story. I was reading for about 30 minutes give or take when I hear someone at the door of the library which was wide open. But I don't see her really. I only hear a low voice.
The voice - "It is not God's will merely that we should be happy, but that we should make ourselves happy"
Me - "You've read Kant."
The voice - "All the interests of my reason, speculative as well as practical, combine in the three following questions: 1. What can I know? 2. What ought I to do? 3. What may I hope?"
Me - "Always recognize that human individuals are ends, and do not use them as means to your end."
The voice - "Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play"
Me - "So act that your principle of action might safely be made a law for the whole world."
She comes closer so that I could see her was Lisa. Slowly and quietly she kind of kneels down below my feet and lets her feet go off to one side. She's really close now and she lays one arm on my leg and starts rubbing the inside of my thigh. I was worried about Bella in the back of my mind but I was so turned on by Lisa. She says, "Don't you realize by now the I'm a hedonist?"
Me - "What about Bella?"
Lisa - "She's sound asleep. She's not waking up until morning."
Me - "OK"
Now that I've said that she moves directly in front of me now and pulls the strings on my new pajama pants that Bella bought me and slides them down. My dick is hard as a steel post now pointing straight up at her. She hasn't even really looked at it yet but she has her fist around it gently stroking it. She's looking straight into my eyes the whole time. The lighting was cool cause I couldn't even see much else of the room. Almost nothing...just the corner of the end table where the reading lamp was, my body and the top of hers. I could especially see her glossly lips which she just licked so they were wet. She removed her tshirt so that we could be skin to skin and throws it behind her. She said, "I want to show you that I can do it better than my sister." and she puts it in her mouth and starts going up and down. She's takes it out of her mouth and licks up and down the shaft while her eyes were looking at me. She pauses for a moment while holding my dick and says under her breath, "Tell me exactly how you want it..."
Me - "I want to watch you. I want you to take your time and not make me cum yet."
Lisa - "OK." and she keeps sucking.
Meanwhile I'm fucking dying it feels so good. I could feel her nice tits on my leg and her other hand that isn't gripping my dick is feeling my stomache, chest, thighs and generally feeling my body all over wherever that hand could reach.
Me - "Bella put me all the way in her mouth when she knew I was going to come."
Lisa - "In between putting me in her mouth and licking "You want me to put you all the way in my mouth when you cum?"
Me - "I want you to swallow all of it."
And now I know she was trying to show me that she could do it better than Bella. She begins deep throating me the whole time going up until only the tip is in her mouth and slowly going all the way back down so that I'm all the way inside her mouth and throat. I heard her once or twice barely start to sound like she was gagging but she refused to let it happen and kept on putting me all the way inside her. It was toooo much man. I had barely lasted a few minutes and I started to cum. I already started to when I told her, "I'm cumming." and she put me all the way inside her and held it there. She grabbed my hand and put it on the back of her head as if to say that I could do it as hard as I want until I was done. She held her breath until I was done coming. She didn't rush to get me out of her mouth. Her eyes were on mine and she slowly took me out of her mouth.
Lisa - "Like that?"
Me - "Oh my god that felt so good..." I was fucking dying it felt so good. I was about to melt in the chair. I could tell she has done this once or twice.
Lisa - "What do you want me to do next?"
Me - "I want that to be it for now. I want to make sure I can trust you after what we just did."
Lisa - "Are you sure?"
Me - "I want nothing more than to do all kinds of naughty things to you right now. But I want you to prove to me that you can be cool first." This brought a big naughty looking smile to her face.
Lisa knew I meant it but also knew that if she wanted to just go off on eachother sometime soon that she should just do as I say. She said, "OK. I'll prove it to you. You'll see. But don't make me wait too long. I want to show you that I'll do anything." Maaannn....I was about to just turn her around and fucking rip her pants off and ram it in her ass as fast and hard as I could. And something tells me that she woudn't have pulled away or tried to be quiet that she woulda just moaned as loud as she could even it meant waking her sister. But that was only a demented hedonistic thought that I didn't allow myself to endulge. She put on her shirt and was about to start walking away when I grabbed her hand and pulled her to me. I made her straddle me and was grinding on her. I still hadn't pulled my pants up so she could totally feel me get hard again and I could feel every inch of her moist pussy through her thin pajamas.
I was grinding her pretty hard and pulled her face really close to mine and said, "Will you really do anything I want?" She replies while gasping, "Anything". The last thing I said was, "OK. Soon. Be good and we'll find the time to be alone." She said, "OK". and we french kissed for a long time almost triggering me to basically rape her again but I stopped myself one more time and motioned for her to go back to bed which she did. Before she left the room she stopped and said, "From the very first day I met you I knew we would." and I heard her go back to the room. I pull my pants up and was in fucking heaven. I did not get caught and had the best fucking blowjob ever in the history of fucking blowjobs. Atleast as far as I was concerned. I'd never even heard of a girl that just wanted to totally give herself to a guy in that way. Even a whore is usually holding back even if just slightly. She definitely did not hold back. I was blown away (quite literally). I was exhausted but did not want to go back to the bedroom. It would be too fucking much. I planned on telling Lisa that us three could never sleep in the same bed again the next day. But I decided that I would read myself to sleep exactly where I was. I was super fucking comfortable by that point anyway. I pulled up the foot rest, rested my feet on it, and began to read but don't even remember dozing off...I crashed out.
To be continued...
Past: '08 E92 335i|ZPP|ZSP|6AT
Past: '15 Mustang GT|401A|PP|6MT
Current: '20 Shelby GT350|6MT