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      01-05-2011, 02:40 PM   #769
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Originally Posted by Chewy734 View Post
I think my major issues with getting the mkII right now is that I know the mkIII is around the corner (i.e. sometime this year). If I was going to plop down $2.5k-$3k on a body, I would like to have a better AF system (similar to the 7D), and from the rumors I hear, a 2-stop noise improvement (not to say that it's currently bad).
if you're sitting on a 20D, why not consider a 7D as an alternative, it's got better video and AF abilities then the 5D, but you're losing out on a few megapixels and the full frame ability, which not too many people really fully understand anyhow. The 7D also has a higher frames per second rate then the 5D. So to solely wait for the 5D mkIII might be a waste of your time if you're only looking for huge megapixel counts.

A friend of mine had a print done from his Canon XS (only 10mp) and it was about the size of a 50" televiosion and it was perfectly clear.

Don't get me wrong, but to go to a 5D solely because of the image size is a waste of time and money because where are you going to print an image that big? I understand the ability to do lots of cropping, but you could always just move closer to your object.

Also to print images that size, you're getting into big money or you just like posters on your wall, which with 18 megapixels you'll still get just as nice a poster since it's still smaller then the original picture.

Don't get me wrong, I love my 5D, but if i were to purchase again, i might have considered the 7D a little more closely as i tend to do some more sport photography with horses jumping. It's a great alternative.

Optimally, I would like both. We'll see how the money flow is over the next little while.
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