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      09-18-2010, 11:18 AM   #1

Drives: 335i LCI
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Home

iTrader: (1)

How to drive infront of agressive drivers?

Hi guys,

today, I had a weird experience... some guy in an X6 was obviously in a hurry, and in front of him, another guy in a Skoda Octavia (smoke from the exhaust- probably a chipped 1.9 TDI) was rushing somewhere too...

It started by me smoking the Octavia on the lights, I got like a 600m lead... I am slowed down by traffic in front of me... By this time, the X6 is in my rear view mirror, quite close... he tries to overtake me from the right (nothing wrong about that, since it was in the city), but there is obviously a slower car (Kia) in the right lane, on which I am making good progress (I cannot understand how he didn't see the Kia, since the X6 is quite high??? He must have known he wasn't going to make it). I overtake the Kia, but as I am doing this, the motorway expands from 2 to 4 lanes, and the Kia moves over... I already have my signal to the right, but as I no longer see the Kia for a moment, I think "oh, he might be in my blind spot), till I realize that, the X6 is already on its way into the right lane, but I am faster, he swerves back...

All in all, nothing happened, the X6 returned to the left lane and overtook me... the Octavia, which I realized was behind the X6, gets behind me in the right lane, then to the left, and soon overtakes...

So, what do you do in such a situation? Do you try to get out of the rushing guys way, and let him overtake you, or stay in your lane, and let him handle his business? I was going about 75 kmh, the X6 by estimate 100-110 Kmh when he tried to pass, the Octavia had a similar speed

Personally, when I see someone slowing me down, I flash him with my high beams (as long as there is a place for him to go, i.e. a free stretch in the right lane), and wait like 2 or 3 seconds... if nothing happens, I take him from the right. The guys I met were obviously very aggressive, hanging on my rear bumper... I would step on the brakes, but I was afraid that the X6 or Octavia would be no match for the braking force of my brakes (2.0 tonnes vs 1.6 is quite a diff)

P.S.: For those that do not know what a Skoda Octavia is, check here:
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