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      09-01-2010, 11:07 PM   #16
Second Lieutenant

Drives: '06 e90
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Jeffersonville, IN (unfortunantly)

iTrader: (3)

Originally Posted by jayely1 View Post
How long do you think you have to sell cars before you could get a sales manager position?
I trained salespeople that were offered management positions after their first year, and there are some I trained 10 years ago that have never gotten the offer and never will.

The first thing you will have to do is prove yourself. Over and over again. You will need to consistently be in the top 10% of the sales force evey month. Even then, many dealerships don't want to promote their best salespeople because then they won't have you on the floor selling anymore. Fair? No. Truth? Yes. The business is not like any other where your performance will get attention and justify a promotion. Also, even when I was managing a sales force of 50 people there were only 3 sales managers. The opportunities are slim.

The biggest problem is that you get sucked in by the money and your spending/lifestyle will adjust to that and you get into a situation where you can't afford to make less money. Once you've had your fill of the industry and would kill to get out (trust me, that day will come), you don't have enough time off to look for another job. Not only that, but there is such a stigma surrounding car sales that many people won't even consider hiring you (ask me how I know).

Please, take my advice and do yourself a favor. Try anything else and make the car business a last resort. Cars have always been my passion. Being in the business does not fan the flames. It will change you in ways you never thought possible. Everyone I know that has left the business, and the ones I know still in it, are completely jaded because of the customers.
Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left.
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