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      08-27-2010, 03:58 PM   #1
El Greco Capitan
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Drives: ///N54
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Wellington, FL

iTrader: (1)

3 kids, as in one of each.

Flying along with this captain out of New York to Columbus.
The Captain tries to make small talk......!

Captain: So you have any kids?

Me: Yes sir, I got 2 little ones. how about you?

Captain: No, not yet but we are getting ready.

Me: Nice, How many are you guys planning on having?

Captain: we talked about it with the wife and we decided to have 3 kids, you know. 1 of each, a boy, a girl and a "duo".....!

Me: A "duo"?, as in?

Captain: as in double. double gender.

Me: Are you being serious?

Captain: Why wouldn't I be serious, the double/bi ppl get all the opportunities now days.

Me:I see.........!
(serious look on his face, as if he was offended by me asking if he was serious)

Needless to say that the rest of the 1:30 flight went mum, not a word.....!
I have nothing against ones sexual preference BUT wishing it upon your unborn child? Now that some serious serious issue right there.
No, it's not new. It got 150.000+ miles on it
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