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      07-18-2010, 03:54 PM   #39
Lieutenant General
persian54's Avatar

Drives: M760/G83M4
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: The Valley, SoCal

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Originally Posted by FStop7 View Post
I was seeing APRs in the 3.9% range from Nissan with Tier 1 credit. I would probably lease, though. I used to live in West Hollywood, I wouldn't daily drive a GTR if I was still there. I live in Valencia now and it's not a problem, the roads are a lot nicer.

It's a shame you didn't get a chance to open up the GTR you drove, they are unbelievable from 0 to 120. Past 120 they taper off some but they're still very quick. And that's stock - if you mod it then you can really go nuts with the power.
3.9? Really?
The lowest they gave me was 4.99, and that's with a 10% downpayment

Lease was crazy

for the 370, they wanted 4000 OTD with 500 a month... with that downpayment I can get a E class.. or a 5 series for a little more

the GTR he said would be 5000 OTD 1000+ a month

36 month 15k miles

didn't feel the leases were worth it
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