Thread: RIP VRAlexander
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      06-27-2010, 11:56 AM   #1
Brigadier General

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RIP VRAlexander

RIP buddy, he was a good guy and well known and liked in the car community

i am sure many of you out there have seen some of his videos ripping around in his CGT etc.

Originally Posted by Louis
I'm at the 341 hill climb challenge here in Virginia City, Nevada. Many of you knew him, Amar said Ross raced his silver 996 at the mile last oct, it went 242 later on that weekend.

We made our last pass at 4:37, he rolled up at 4:44, for one last hail Mary pass. He slid off the road, and a engine fire ensued. This track is dangerous, 660' drop off, climbing from 5100' to 6200' elevation.

He didn't make it. That's all I know right now :-/

RIP alex.

I've been posting pics on facebook, should have our incar video up soon.

some italian, german, and japanese ones; and on order more of the same
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