You really need to get your underwear out of that bunch. I tried to calm this down by writing this was all for fun and no one is going to be able to prove anything but you decided not to go down that path.
Since none of us (yes that includes you) have driven or will ever drive an LFA we are all just magazine racing.
The link I posted, to start this thread, clearly shows the car isn't in another realm over the mighty GTR, performance wise. It's reported 'ring time shows it's not in another league, even it's Top Gear track time shows it's not.
So quit with the pompous "game, set, match" nonsense.
The LFA is nice but its not a game changer. And most reviews I have seen are a tad surprised by the price.

-2016 Macan Turbo(GF vehicle)
-2017 Ford Raptor
Last edited by 991GT3; 05-11-2010 at 11:35 AM..