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      04-06-2010, 07:34 PM   #354

Drives: 2019 X3
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Bend, OR

iTrader: (1)

Originally Posted by CraigGT View Post
Just did day 1/week 1 classic. They need to up those minimum requirements! I can do 3*10 reps wide pull ups and 3*50 reps military pushups, but I threw chunks 40 minutes into chest/back!

Though it may be because I have been on a 1200 calorie daily diet the last 3 months and kept my same daily food routine with the workout.

Definitely going to force myself to eat more calories and replace all my coffee/diet sodas with water!

I'm thinking I will use this week to learn the workouts and start "week 1" next week!

I can't do NEARLY as many pull ups as them. At the beginning I can usually do 10-12. Near the end there, I can only do like 3 and I use a chair... Doesn't matter though, I'm still getting a good workout as long as I continue w/ the chair assist.

Starting Week 4 today... blah, Yoga!
2021 ///M3
2019 X3
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