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      03-24-2010, 09:29 AM   #8
MJC///M3's Avatar

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If i am not have to take at least 50% of your credits at the institution you intend on graduating from. So if you are into your junior year, odds are you will lose some credits...(assuming you have taken 50% of your credits fresh/soph year)

Transferring credits will also depend on what curriculum you wish to pursue at your new school. Be sure to find a program that is similar to the one you are in now; that way you have the best opportunity to transfer over as many credits as possible.
"You will get there, but it is up to you and you alone. It is what you are willing to do, and how you are willing to get there. You must be relentless, you must be tireless, you must pursue at all costs, so that you are ready, when the time is right." -Dad
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