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      02-28-2010, 10:46 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by E90 87ss View Post
From back control:
1) Hooks in
2) Rear Naked Choke
3) Set up to armbar

So basically if you have back control and you are attempting to choke your opponent out, but can't get the choke in deep, set up for an armbar from the same position. It's like a combo in boxing: 1-2 duck to your right, come back with a right hook followed by a left uppercut... they might see the hook coming, but not the body shot.
linking moves together is the key, you can bait a guy with one move and transition right into something else. Another one that's effective is:

1. Armbar from guard
2. Omoplata
3. Armbar from side

If you've got somebody in your guard, try to get their right arm in an armbar from the bottom. They will probably be able to pull it out but then swing your right leg over their their left shoulder and move to omoplata their left arm. You should hold onto their pants or something to keep them from flipping over to get out of it. If for some reason they do manage to flip, you're still in the perfect position for an armbar from the side.
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