Originally Posted by DenverJayhawk
I agree the media does not always potray all the facts and can spin things in their own light. Regarding said college graduate, I'm unclear on your last statement. Did the college gurantee her job placement upon graduation and is this a fact? If so, then I can see the justification in the lawsuit.
I would hope someone one it the college placement office did not make that claim to her, however, it does not sound that way, based on her reasons for filling a claim, like the companies who she sent a resume too did not call her, he seem to have an expectation she would get a call from every company.
To that point, there are some many rules and laws that a company must follow when the interview a person they are so careful these days on who they consider an "applicant" many company do not send or contact anyone until they are sure they want to even talk to you or if there might be a fit. Long past are the days when companies would brings lots of people in just to get and idea about you. To that point, even though she contacted them they may take months to even consider talking to her.
All I can say she had some expectation which she believes was set by the college. From the sound of it, it could be one of those college that advertise that the IT field is growing and most all their grads get a job in the IT field