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      08-04-2009, 03:07 PM   #33

Drives: 2007 335i Sedan, 2021 X3
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Philadelphia

iTrader: (0)

oh my god.... If the courts let this one go past her filing the compaint they too should be shot.

I like the claim she seems to think that the college is responsible to make sure companies call her since she submitted a resume...

This also goes right up there with that... My nephew told me parents are showing up at jobs fairs with their kids to help them interview for jobs and make sure the companies speak to their kid.

My nephew said any time a parent walks up with a kid at a job fair the resume goes into a special pile, which is do not call. He said about 40% of kids show up with a parent. That is good way to tell a possible employer you do not need your hand held and your a self starter.

I can tell you this, when I was in college I submitted 100 resumes for jobs, got about 25 on campus interviews, 10 second interviews and 3 offers, it is a numbers game even today and I had an Engineering degree.

Last edited by Maestro; 08-05-2009 at 09:37 PM..
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