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      08-03-2009, 02:48 PM   #1

Drives: E92 M3
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Burlington, MA

iTrader: (0)

Unhappy Question: Voluntary Turnover of a Leased...

Fellas -

As I'll be unable to pay for my car (soon), I'm considering returning my 08 M3 to the dealership within a week or two. The car is currently on a 42 month lease, with nearly 25 months left and is posted in the "For Sale" section of M3Post. For those of you interested in checking it out, it's the "AW E92 M3: FS or Lease Assumption".

So, what are the repercussions? Obviously my credit will get destroyed, but is it as bad as a personal bankruptcy in that the latter remains on your file for 10 years? Furthermore, will I be forever 'blacklisted' by BMWFS? I'm assuming it will hurt my chances in buying a house (down the road)..........anyone know how badly?

Any options I'm not considering - I have tried to get rid of the car, but there are no takers.

Thoughts......suggestions.......will be greatly, greatly appreciated!
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