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      03-30-2009, 12:54 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by ChrisV View Post
The scary thing is the precedent this sets for the government coming in and meddling with a business. 'Cause the governmebnt is so good at wasting trillions of dollars and going WAY into debt, that they can tell a company like GM how to run their own business. Yeah, riiiight.

And now, what if I, like many thousands of business owners before me, take out an SBA guaranteed small business loan? Does that mean that the government can come in and tell me not only how to run my business, but WHO can run my business?
I'm also a bit preturbed by the government's direct management of these corporations.... Seems to fly in the face of capitalism itself. Hey let's bail 'em out, then start making calls for them.... The government should have let business run its course. You don't keep a diseased corporation like GM around hoping that it will miraculously change. You let it die, and what business vacuum it leaves behind will be gobbled up by those corporations that weren't too stupid to survive....

And as far as the government telling anyone how to manage money... That's just a joke....
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