Thread: the invasion
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      02-03-2009, 04:31 AM   #38
you know he kills little girls like you
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Originally Posted by Bimmer Loyalist View Post
lol. the joke is right there, but i feel like i'll get another infraction from a 1addicts mod if things keep going at this rate.

methinks you'rite.
OMFG... I just read the poll/thread that you posted in, or at least I think I did. If you paraphrased your subsequently deleted comment accurately (and I've no reason to doubt that you did), then how the fsck did you get an infraction?

If my attempt at deduction didn't fail me, you posted that comment in a thread in which the OP was asking if they should purchase a 335i or a 135i. Your comment merely served to point out that that the answers will be biased depending on whether or not the question was posted on 1addicts or e90post, which of course is an entirely accurate statement.

I'll reserve final judgment pending an explanation from a moderator, but it seems to me that you've been treated very unfairly and the moderator in question isn't very experienced (to put it politely). I'd register a complaint in the site feedback section, or perhaps PM the gods.
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