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      10-30-2007, 10:28 PM   #31

Drives: 135i JB
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Somewhere.....

iTrader: (0)

I am 20 years old and getting a 135i, and don't see anything wrong with it. No, my parents are not spending a dime on the car, insurance, or even gas. Got one free year of car insurance and that's it. The rest I have payed on my own. Still live at home which is one benefit. Will still be saving money on the side for a house I plan to buy before 28. Would it be easier to continue to drive my POS for the next 8 years and get a house a little earlier? Sure, but you only live once and I have thought about a new car for the past 4 1/2 years now.

Can't wait for March.
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