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      12-02-2008, 01:16 PM   #8

Drives: ....
Join Date: Nov 2006
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iTrader: (4)

Garage List
2008 M3  [4.00]
2007 335i  [9.00]
2008 528i  [8.00]
2006 Infiniti - G35 ...  [8.00]
2 weeks for me. 4 impacted wisdom teeth, my whole face was like a chipmunk. not only that, but my face turned GREEN! like it was bruised up badly

my experience was so painful. it took the dentist about 5 hours of yanking, and hammering the shit. my anesthesia went out a few times during the process. i was full awake, and in pain. at one point i was in so much pain i grabbed the guy's throat and squeezed the shit out of it. i wanted to punch him too before my dad held me down
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