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      11-20-2008, 09:17 PM   #23
Lieutenant Colonel
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ford and GM are NOT closing down there walls any time soon i can guarantee that.. the country won't let giants that stand for american freedom and what can be had here if you work hard and have that unique drive... everything here is way way cheaper than it is in europe.. and people here complain about prices all day long.. people will be ok.. we aren't dieing off yet..i really believe things will turn out ok.. it might take 20 years but some new technology will get our country booming again.. people think bill clinton did such an awesome job but he was at the right place for a technological revolution..he even admitted making a mistake about giving stiff penalties to lenders who don't have a certain amount of sub-prime loans in the housing act he enacted..that is largly why the housing market collapsed yet people don't read and praise the guy.. when democrats tax these companies more it limits there growth.. and the big game guys do give 500million- billions of dollars in taxes.. if you tax companies more than the near 50% they are already getting taxes how the hell are they going to pay there employees.. the work force will take a cut.. and if they don't the company might plummet. but major corporations protect themselves from this and the government has been spending billions trying to recover from this mortgage disaster that happened largely due to the democrats b/c it is there cash cow..go look how much they have gotten from Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.. and the people who opened up the retirement funds to the government for use was the democrats.. and jimmy carter got screwed by people abusing his policy which first came up with sub-prime loans in the first place.. it was a good idea that should have had a lot more regulations such as seeing more than 1 paycheck which is how many got a lower rate.. some paychecks are higher.. and i know a guy who got a loan on a better rate b/c he had a huge check b/c of a bunch of over was double his normal amount..and he is a cop..the government made it way way to easy to get a loan and people abused it.. if we just had the auto makers we could handle it with ease.. but this massive bail out is gonna cost us 20 years of war at the rate we are spending in the middle east. and now obama wants to tax capitol gains buy adding an 18% tax on top of the mountain it is.. is he nuts.. so he will not tax our income but he will when we invest it.. which hurts the market..kind of crazy..i hope he changes his mind on that..imagine that day on wallstreet..the 3-6o0 point drops might be peanuts to that
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Last edited by purplewidow; 09-11-2011 at 05:47 AM..
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