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      02-03-2025, 12:27 PM   #8614
Watching The World Burn
Lengthy but not a Girthy Member

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Join Date: Aug 2017
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Originally Posted by Mani59 View Post
Hello all,

A reminder that please do not post any political posts as these will be deleted and may lead to the entire thread being deleted.

We have, for several years, prohibited the posting of any religious and political posts which you can read about here.

Thanks, Mani
Mani - just a point of clarification - can we talk about the tariffs from an economic standpoint or is that considered political since it was enacted by a government?

In my mind its economical - I'm interested to see what the outcome is over the next few months both to the stock market but also to consumers as a whole. But if considered political by the mods then I won't say anything in any subsequent posts.
Appreciate 2