Originally Posted by MaxVO2
****You'll probably get a different answer from those with an M Body vs just a kit.
People up badge or put fake badges on all kinds of cars for whatever reason. It might be a financial thing (they can't afford the more expensive upgrade to their cars), or they bought a car and decided to change its looks to personalize it.
Tons of guys in my area with AMG badged cars that aren't a real AMG, same with M cars, and same with Porsche 911's or other models badged upwards to a GT-S, etc..
People buy fake high end watches, shoes, purses, jewelry, etc.. Seems almost human nature.
Most people want more stuff than they can afford, but often want to look wealthier than they are. "Fake it till ya make it." The fake badging, the fake purses, keeping up with the Jone's, etc..
Many people are broke or have negative net worth so they are worse than broke but are driving around in really expensive cars, have really nice clothing, and other trappings and things associated with "wealth", along with a credit rating under 600, and renting a small basement room in a bad neighborhood for $600 a month, but have a $1200 car payment.
Heck, I have people like this renting from me now. I see their credit scores, their income, and their debts - you'd think they were multi-millionaires from the appearance of their lifestyle but they are in major debt just a paycheck or so away from bankruptcy. Not uncommon.
Ha you must be in LA, San Jose, or SF. I know what you’re talking about. Drive nice car but can’t let you know where they live. And if you run the vin on their car, salvage from the junk auctions lol