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      01-22-2025, 12:30 PM   #38
Brigadier General

Drives: 2008 Saab 9-3 Combi
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Toronto, Canada

iTrader: (0)

I'd like to respond but you've not given enough information. Are you currently employed at all in any sort of role or full unemployment for a year? Any dependents? Any debt that needs servicing?

You're only 26 but shit about to get real, tbh if you want a family you need to start getting a jiggle on.

If not employed you need to get your foot in the door at an industry you're interested in asap, literally doing anything. Don't write off sales as a career, I was an Ops guy for 25 years and within 2 years of sales i have doubled my income. Not having staff to manage has been bliss. If the auto industry is a dead end, i'd take a long hard look at healthcare sales, your system there is ripe for making tonnes of money off healthcare and the population is ageing.
Appreciate 2