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      11-02-2024, 07:37 AM   #11
Brigadier General
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Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: PB County, FL

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I would look at actual usage before signing up for true unlimited, especially with a lot of calls going over WiFi nowadays. One way to save money is to go slightly above high usage point without paying for unlimited (unless of course, unlimited is really warranted by usage or there is a great deal on unlimited plans).

We switched from AT&T to Verizon. Had a good deal on phone prices, trade ins and rates on the switch at the time. I used to always buy phones outright but when I looked closely at the numbers, it isn’t a bad deal to pay as you go so we do that now. I recommend getting the phone in a store, as mine was stolen in transit and while it got worked out, it was a big PITA.

We pay $239/mo., which includes the monthly cost of 2 iPhone 15 Pro Max 1 TB phones (which are priced like laptops) with unlimited plans, phone protection plans for both, unlimited data for 2 iPads we own outright and all government fees, surcharges and taxes. Those prices include subsidized money for trade ins of old phones and the unlimited plans were the right price when we were shopping so we got them despite not really needing them. They also sent me some nice Bose headphones and an Apple TV when we switched.

Verizon is supposed to have the best coverage. For the places we frequent, they are about the same as AT&T in reality.
Current: 2018 SO/SS F83 ZCP
Gone: 2015 SO/SO F82
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