Originally Posted by M_Six
Think about what you do with your phone. Especially since it'll just be a personal phone. Some folks watch movies and shoot video and do Facetime, etc, so they need the biggest and best iPhone. Others, like myself, use the phone as a phone and some texting/email/surfing and the occasional picture. So I stick with the iPhone SE as it's smaller and cheaper. I'm already bummed that the upcoming iPhone SE4 is going to be bigger. I'll be keeping my current SE2 until it's no longer supported.
Great point for utilization. I am definitely looking for an unlimited plan of sorts so that I'm not thinking of any overages. I am an "extreme" phone user in the sense of work (100+ calls and meetings, who knows how many texts a day, etc.). But for personal use, I just need to check my personal E-mail, make the ocassional call, text, surf Bimmer Post, stream some tunes, and GPS. So certainly a smartphone, but I also don't need the latest and greatest $2000 phone.
Originally Posted by JeffL0
T-Mobile's over-55 plans really can't be beat. Coverage is pretty good. Sure, not like Big Red but neither is the phone bill either. We have two lines unlimited data and our bill, including taxes and fees, is $80.
I've got some years to go before I join the 55+ club