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      11-01-2024, 10:32 AM   #6
Recovering Perfectionist
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Drives: BMW-less :(
Join Date: Jun 2019
Location: Orange County, NY

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I always buy my phones outright. If you go into an Apple store, you can apply for their credit card and get 2-year free 0% financing.

On the phone plan front, I've been a post-paid Verizon (and predecessors) customer since the 1980's. My monthly bill is $208 after taxes and fees for two unlimited phones plus a cellular Apple Watch.

Since I was involuntarily retired back in July, I am looking at Verizon-owned pre-paid plans. If you have 1-2 phones, Visible by Verizon has a special for $35/line all-in right now with unlimited 5G UW, tethering, and free cellular watch service. For 4+ phones, Total Wireless by Verizon starts to become a better deal at $30/line all-in although it may charge extra for tethering and cellular Apple Watch service. I'm going to be changing to Visible before their promotion ends, because $70 all-in versus $208 after taxes/fees to use the same towers at apparently the same network priority is a no-brainer. Oh, and there's no contract or lock-in with either pre-paid plans if you bring your own phone.....
Currently BMW-less.
Appreciate 1