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      11-01-2024, 07:31 AM   #1
spazzyfry123's Avatar

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Cell Phones and Service Providers

I feel like I just sat down and looked at the menu for The Cheesecake Factory. There are a million options for plans and providers and phones and storage and and and...

This will be the first time in probably ten years that I'm going to have a phone bill. I've accepted a new role with a new company, and I think it's time to make a change and become a "two phone guy." I've always just used my company phone as my personal phone, but I've got to get some separation.

I'm overwhelmed with the sheer amount of paths. Android vs Apple. Verizon vs AT&T. Purchase a phone outright vs monthly. Free phones with a bonus iPad and we'll walk your dog every Tuesday just because you're you!

If anyone has some direction or is going through something similar, please share your input. I guess this has just always been one area of my life that's been decided for me.
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