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      10-20-2024, 07:48 PM   #1865
chassis's Avatar

Drives: 9Y0 Cayenne S
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Originally Posted by erickonphoenix View Post
Completed the Marfa100k yesterday in 5 hours. Weather was sunny and mile 72˚F with a brisk 15-20 mph East wind.

The Marfa 100 a reciprocal course composed of two 31 mile (50K) sections. You roll out to a mild 10 mile uphill climb section with undulating sections. There are two moderate climbs until you spill out into a twisting downhill section where we hit speeds of 38 mph. That deposits you into the last four mile into the turn around at the 31 mile (50K) mark.

After the turn around another set of mild climbs then you hit six series of very difficult uphill sections. We were barely able to maintain 5mph on most of them. Then a long 15 mile down hill undulating section allowed sustainable speeds of 25 mph with a few moderate climbing sections in between. Finally the last 10 were mostly flat but the Easterly headwind became the issue and average speeds were hard to keep over 10 mph.

It was a great, well supported event. I activated Strava leaving the staging area and didn't turn it off until coming back to the staging tent so my indicated difference was around 13 mins. Ready to do it again
Great ride! Congrats.
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