I looked at the M850. It is a NICE car, but man, the depreciation on that is insane! I would never buy one new after seeing that. In 2-3 years it drops 60K in value. An M550 and 540 drops about 30K in the same timeframe and same mileage.
So I looked at some used ones... They have an option for these two-tone interior seats. It looks OK to decent on the front seats, but on the back seats? An absolute eye sore. I was shocked by how bad it looks. SOOOOOO bad. It seems most of the ones bought were optioned with those horrible color combinations too, which makes it harder to find a decent used one.
I am still holding on for this one M550 to finish through CPO and take a look at it, to make sure its good. In the meantime I am looking at used M850s and used M3c, just in case something pops up.
I didn't think I was that picky on colors until doing this search...