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      09-08-2024, 06:56 PM   #18
Recovering Perfectionist
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Drives: BMW-less :(
Join Date: Jun 2019
Location: Orange County, NY

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Originally Posted by Esteban View Post
I have some shelves in my garage (passenger side) and I stop when my eyeballs line up with the first shelf. Been doing it the same for 33 years come this December, never made a mistake.
My now-late mechanic friend used to use a similar method with his two-post lifts. Most cars have their center of gravity midway between the sideview mirrors, so he would pull onto the lift with those mirrors aligned with the lift posts.

I used a similar reference when backing the race car hauler into the driveway (sometimes after dark). I aligned the rearview mirror of The Mighty Dodge to the fence post at the far end of our yard, cut the steering wheel full left, shifted into reverse, and the trailer would magically wind up in the center of the driveway with zero drama.

vreihen16, I read where you said you have cataracts; why don't you get that taken care of.
The electronic plot complication in my chest keeping me alive scares local eye doctors, and they won't do the surgery. They referred me to the regional trauma center that installed said gizmo for eye surgery. It's over an hour away from home, and I can't drive myself there because all routes are NY State parkways that discriminate against almost-Mighty Freightliners. (Remember, I'm otherwise car-less because of unplanned involuntary retirement.)

Even worse, my DW is starting a new job tomorrow morning (yay!), so she has no PTO (boo!) to spend more than half a day driving me there and back more than once.

I've got bigger medical problems to fry right now, like worsening tremors and random vertigo attacks sending me diving for soft furniture.....
Currently BMW-less.
Appreciate 2