Thread: Home Security
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      08-23-2024, 03:59 PM   #22

Drives: Potato
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: USA

iTrader: (1)

Our cameras allow us (via the app) to set up detection zones and sensitivities for vehicles, people and animals. That really helps prevent the wildlife alerts.

They do “cycle” the SD card memory (we put in the largest capacity they support); we seem to have about a month’s worth of storage given the number of recording triggers - if we lived on a busy street with people in range walking along the sidewalk, it might only be a few days - but we don’t need any more than that.

Our cameras also each have a solar panel to keep them charged (and come with a battery for night/cloudy). We’ve never had one go dark. All we have to keep alive in the house is the router to view the camera images, but even if we have a power outage the cameras are still able to fully function and record to the SD cards.
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