Thread: Home Security
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      08-23-2024, 02:01 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by vreihen16 View Post
My neighbors are 7,000+ acres of state forest and 450 acres of wooded county parkland, yet I feel the need to have outside eyes. Granted the cameras mostly capture deer and an occasional bear strolling by, and no f-in-weigh would I ever expect to catch a killer walking down our dead end street. Heck, both the Grand Jury and trial defense attorney asked why I "wasted" money on a professional-grade camera system.....
We are not that rural, but it would be very atypical that anyone would be down our road. Dead end dirt road that leads only to our compound and a private equestrian farm. We have some toys out at the property, and I've started to notice a few of the package delivery guys having some wandering eyes.

I'm hoping for rolling surveillance that will "auto" purge after a certain period of time unless I intervene to save. Is that a week? A day? Dunno.

Also want cameras that will turn on motion lights if movement is detected. I've read of some that have human detection so as to not go nuts for the frequent deer or turkey or bear.

Originally Posted by zx10guy View Post
I would also add to this discussion where I avoid anything that is cloud dependent. Don't want my personal info being harvested in the back end with no assurance of controls/gates as to what they may do with it. In addition, I don't want to have equipment that works perfectly fine be forced into obsolescence because the manufacturer chose to force the equipment to no longer function. My Hikvision equipment is not cloud dependent and is still functioning almost ten years later.
This is more the reason for not wanting WiFi, so I think I misspoke. It's not that I'm against WiFi cameras and someone "hacking" into it (although I would sleep easier knowing some perv isn't hacking into my daughter's room), I really just do not want to be reliant on someone else's servers, the "cloud", and being forced into a perpetual monthly obligation for something I can just manage locally. A WiFi base may even be preferred so that I can easily send it to TV(s) in the house, but I still think I'd rather have wired cameras.

I've seen a few repeat manufacturer names in the thread. Any reason to go for one over the other for a "kit" to get things going with the option to expand to more cameras at a later date? Maybe something that comes with 4-6 cameras, but option to bump up to 10+.
Appreciate 1