My biggest gripe is mechanical systems turned electronic without automation. Converting a mechanical system to an electronic button only detracts from the usability, but not adding any automation to it is absurd.
Good example of switching to electronic control are choke, wipers, even windows (as it allows the driver to control all windows in the car and you can do auto-raise/lower). Bad examples are electronic parking brake (unless the car automatically sets it on P and releases on R/D, which many cars don't, and is entirely inappropriate on a manual transmission car) and the worst offender - electronic door handles.
My wife's C8 Corvette turned opening a door into a three stage operation - press the button, pause, pull/push the door open. For the life of me I can't understand who thinks electronic door handles are a good or luxurious thing. You want luxury on a door handle? Make it out of wood or metal, make the tactile feel nice and solid, take pains to make sure that the motion of the lever is inline with the swing of the door. Or make it electronic and actually automate it (like the electric operated 7-series doors that close when you press the brake (but make them works predictably every time), or like minivan sliding doors).
Luckily my BRZ is completely manual, and the E93 I'm looking to buy doesn't have all that fluff either.