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      12-09-2023, 08:52 AM   #5205
Murf the Surf
Second Lieutenant
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Originally Posted by Efthreeoh View Post
With fear of being called juvenile again... you've post pics of your awesomely cool homestead in the Canadian winter with a shit-load of snow everywhere. How does solar deal with that? Self-heating I'm guessing?
That is a challenge as is the shorter days as you go further north, which is ironic because if you're going to heat using electricity you need the solar array to work during the cold months. We installed a new state of the art heat pump/furnace in January '23. The government here is pushing them as a way to get off fossil fuels, the problem is that our top of the line heat pump can work below -10C but really struggles. So we have saved about 25-30% of our propane consumption, we still need the propane half of the furnace for the colder months, January & February are often well below -10C. Our new heat pump will take about 15-20 years to pay for itself. And thank you for the comment on our home.
Appreciate 5