Thread: Navy thread
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      07-13-2023, 01:11 PM   #141

Drives: 2022 M440xi GC
Join Date: Feb 2019
Location: Atlanta

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First cruise was 1997-98, we had maybe a dozen on the whole ship. Last cruise was 1999-2000 and we had several hundred. No bikinis though, just dungarees or khakis. We had some pretty awesome females in my division. My upper level watch, Becky, was our "beer wench" when we played pirates on watch. She was a cool chick and had no problem working, even climbed in the condenser when we were cleaning it.

There was a female electrician that was occasionally on watch when I was and she had a straight up sexy voice. It sounded like those late night infomercials for girls girls girls when she made announcements on the 1mc. She was strictly a radio personality though, if you know what I mean!

We had an ET that had an amazing body and not just Navy amazing. A couple examples:

I was walking behind her in the shipyard admiring her form and watched a shipyard worker drive by on a forklift and gawk so hard he hit a bollard.

She also won an amateur strip contest in Ft. Lauderdale when we were in port there. They were going to try to Captain's Mast her for it until they found out the XO and CHENG were at the club, likely rooting her on. It got dropped real quick.
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