Originally Posted by Llarry
I don't know if you were last at sea in a Navy ship after the 1990s when more women started coming aboard but now with substantial numbers of females at sea in the Navy it would not be quite as much torture, I would think. My last time as sea was mid-1980s.
Uh….you’re wrong. Newer ships that accommodate women are a little better but older ships retrofitted for women usually end up giving them a lot more space and the men have to endure. Women are now about 20% of the force. So it’s not as simple as saying, you get this room and this head. I’ve seen some ships where the open birthing accommodates 60 people but only houses 20 women, and then men 80 are then crammed into a second 60 man space with half the head/ shower space.
Working with them on shifts is about what you’d expect of any sailor however the more physical work is difficult for them and you worry someone else will get hurt if they can’t do their job. Fortunately most women on in less physically demanding jobs, helping to alleviate that issue.