Thread: Navy thread
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      04-07-2023, 11:39 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by ricardofors68 View Post
My short stint was from '92 to '13. Started as an Aviation Structural Mechanic (Structures), did some 9545 (Law Enforcement Specialist) time, then more aviation combined with career counseling. 9 deployments in 4 carriers. Lived overseas and east coast. Not a lot of photos, but I'll dig some declassified stuff.

Weird time to be in the Navy, it was a generational turnover. A change of policies, ways of doing business and to "cleanse" the USN top to bottom.

Stories for days, most of those can be shared as well.
My relatively short stint as a Chief (80-82) was mostly out of rate: I did drugs & alcohol, public affairs and command career counselor. That freed up the rest of the command's Chiefs to concentrate on their jobs without having to hassle with the additional duties. The thing is, when I made Chief I went through a bit of a crisis: I loved being a whitehat and actually doing the job; as a CPO, then an officer the job got more and more distant.

Welcome any input you have to this thread!
'25 M850ix GC
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