Originally Posted by Dang3r
Im coming over to Cali this summer for a weak, San Diego area, any significant road law changes for tourists to know?
When you hit SoCal, let’s try to coordinate a lunch get-together with the other Bimmerpost members in the area.
Originally Posted by UncleWede
Jay-walking is no longer illegal, so pedestrians may appear from ANYWHERE. You must defy the laws of physics and move your 5000 lbs vehicle out of their way in micro-seconds.
Yes and no. I can still cite for 21955/21956 CVC violations. The “
new law” is poorly written IMHO despite articulating the additional crime element(s). The law is designed for the people who are crossing an empty street with no traffic, but who would normally be cited for jaywalking. If the jaywalker presents a traffic hazard or crosses the street in a manner that disrupts traffic and/or is unsafe, they can be cited. What that means is…….nothing really changes. You’re only going to get the attention of an officer if one of the aforementioned occurs, so the citations will still roll in.
P.S. Pedestrians always appear out of nowhere and they do not always have the right of way.