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      09-04-2022, 12:51 AM   #6691

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Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
There were things I liked about Arpaio, including his "tough on crime and illegal immigration" approach. Out of curiosity, how were Hispanics targeted in your experience? I ask sincerely because on my experience with him and the Maricopa County Sheriff's Department. Many of the allegations lobbied against him at the time aren't very different than what other law enforcement officials experience when they actually try to combat crime. LAPD is at a point where they are told to stand down when it comes to arresting blacks because everything is racist.
I have a friend that used to come visit with us in the Guitar Store in Cave Creek, an area served by Maricopa Sheriffs dept. This friend is a retired career marine shot twice in combat serving our country. He was born and raised in Arizona. He also had a horse shoeing business on the side where he drives a pickup and tows a small trailer with tools of the trade. He is hispanic and his appearance is clearly hispanic.

When Joe started his own enforcement of illegal immigration his deputies targeted Hispanics driving pickups. He was stopped several times and basically given the evil eye. They did a double check on his ID etc. This happened to him at least 3 times. I lived in Cave Creek at the time. White guy. Driving a Mercedes. I have never been stopped by Maricopa PD.

I also witnessed deputies stopping a larger truck with trailer and having all the occupants sitting on the side of the road in the hot sun. Had to be about 15 of them lined up sitting on the dusty side of the road. Not sure what probable cause they had. Guessing they thought it was OK to just pull over hispanics in a work truck and start asking for their papers.

Look I liked tent city. I like his chain gangs. I liked the green bologna and pink underwear and all that stuff. But when he started this blatant harassment of people of hispanic appearance he crossed a line for me. And immigration enforcement isn't local LE's job. Note he was sued and lost costing us tax payers money. The evidence indicated my experience isn't unique. Now I'm OK if in the process if a legitimate arrest someone is arrested who doesn't speak English and has no ID contracting the FEDs. But this wasn't what was occurring.

I also want to point out I am very unhappy with the border controls as they stand. We should not be having over a million a year flood into our country. Biden and the DEMs that endorse sanctuary cities etc. should all be jailed for violation of their duty and basically sending a welcome mat to impoverished people in central America. So it isn't that I don't want controls. I just want it done properly.

Lastly he did sign off on my NFA back in the day so he did have that going for him.
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