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      09-03-2022, 06:11 PM   #6685
Law Enforcer
Sedan_Clan's Avatar

Drives: '22 Chalk Gray Porsche C2S
Join Date: Jun 2006
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Originally Posted by jamesinaz View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
The ride-a-long goes wherever I go. It is not uncommon for things to happen with a ride-a-long on board; criminals are unpredictable y'know?!? It is for that reason some departments won't allow many civilian ride-a-longs despite the individual signing a release of liability waiver. A good lawyer will poke holes in those waivers. Most of our ride-a-longs are either applicants who are in the hiring process, Sheriff's Department Explorers or sworn custody Deputies who are preparing to transition into a patrol oriented role in the field (…e.g….finally becoming "real" cops). When a ride-a-long is with you who is not already sworn, you try not to find anything that might escalate quickly and/or you hope something doesn't find you, but again, criminals are unpredictable.
Curious about the ride along. Does that person sit in the back seat? Is he locked in? I don't think I'd like that much.

And if you arrest someone what if there is two cops in front does the ride along sit in back with the perp?
The ride-a-long sits in the front passenger seat and usually wears a vest indicating they are a civilian or an observer; sworn custody Deputy ride-a-longs are armed and ready to go (…just without the field experience).
Appreciate 3