Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan
Originally Posted by rwheels
Originally Posted by ezaircon4jc
You do know he didn't pack those boxes, yes? They were packed by GAO staff. He probably didn't even know what was in the boxes. All presidents have the power to classify and declassify any documents.
Ask Sedan what happens when suspects resist. All Trump had to do is forward what he had, and perhaps all this would have been a non-issue. Where does the buck stop, at the lowest staffer?
Per the DOJ/FBI, Trump was already cooperating months prior to this raid. This was honestly a political stunt.
Most independent news sources say that is completely not true. what is your department of justice/FBI source?
William Barr (!) suggests Trump "deceived" the government over classified records
"They jawboned for a year, they were deceived on the voluntary actions taken... The facts are starting to show they were being jerked around, so how long do they wait?"