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      06-21-2022, 06:28 AM   #311
cmyx6go's Avatar

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I've been silent on this. But....You gotta stop. This is going nowhere.

I believe she does feel good, because it's hard to fathom - knowing her, her morals and standards - that she would spend as much time with someone who did not make her feel good. I mean, would you go out with someone 60 times, if they made you feel "ugh"? Would you go on holidays together, would you spend evenings together? If you were just using the other person, then surely, there are easier ways to achieve your goals than spending countless hours together?

You've been out over 60 times and have gone on holidays together and you haven't slept with her?

She, on the other hand, through several statements and actions (or lack thereof) makes, I feel (yes, this is subjective), little effort to support me in anything. I have never heard "Hey, that's great!", "Hey, go and have fun and let me know how it was". When I am happy about something, she doesn't seem to care, doesn't seem to acknowledge that it's a big deal to me, and I want to share it with her. No, she steps it down, says things like "Yeah, call me whenever." or "Come and share this or that sometime". And yes, she does ridicule my choices sometimes "Why would anyone want to do that?". "Why would anyone listen to that?". "I have friends and they are so and so [and you're not, so you're clearly wrong]". As I have mentioned in this thread, there have been several possibilities for her to extend a helping hand - and she volunteered nothing.

I don't even know what category to put you in. Even if this was a friend zone, she would/should be supportive of you.

This woman has no intention of this going anywhere. For whatever reason she spends time with you, I don't know. She is using you to occupy her time. I'm sorry to be blunt but move on. Take this from a 59 year old woman's perspective. I don't mean to be hurtful, but you have to stop thinking anything is going to change.
I thought I was a good person but the way I react when people drive slowly in the left lane would suggest otherwise
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