Originally Posted by blakjack23
He saw you then took out his radar gun? Was he parked or moving?
I got lucky about 9 days ago. My first time getting pulled over since I got my car 4 months ago. I was doing 75 in a 65 but he just gave me a warning ticket and let me go. He never told me what/or if he clocked me at. He just asked me how fast I was going and I said around 70. Then asked me if I had been drinking (it was 130 AM) and I said I had about 4 in the last 5 hours(which was true) and he didn't say anything else.
Unfortunately my luck ended three days ago when my car got towed 
He was actually moving....thats how I know I got lucky...He took the time to take out his gun and zap me while moving...god it could have been bad