Originally Posted by D_o_S
Sex is an issue, definitely. But it's not the sole reason for a relationship... I believe a relationship should be centered on different values, love, respect, admiration for example. If would not dump my partner because they are sick, or because they want to go on a trip around the world. No, I would be supportive. And, at moments like those "no sex" would be the last void I would be looking to fill.
Or in your case.... it's not part of the relationship AT ALL.
You also can't compare the examples you've given, which are predicated on an already successful relationship, to what you have, which is very one-sided. She is not your partner. And unless you're saying she's sick, which you've given no indication of, nor that there are any religious constraints holding her back here, the only conclusion we can come to is that she's using you for attention and you're at-best in the friendzone.
You sound like a textbook simp.