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      11-25-2021, 03:59 PM   #608
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Originally Posted by M5Rick View Post
The deluded one is you and are doing your upmost to put RB down with your nonsense, anything you say is more gobbledegook with no meaning, you're nothing but a Ham altar boy in disguise.
Right because showing the out right performance figures that completely debunks your narrative on mercedes being the fastest because of their cheating wing and cheating engine is "gobbledegook". Meanwhile you guys have zero backing for your claims with credible data of any kind and rely solely on feelings and biased personal observations, and that is totally acceptable. If what I am saying is nonsense why can you not highlight the nonsensical part and debunk it with fact? Right because all you can do is talk, and there is even more detailed analysis out there pointing that the gap between mercedes and rb isn't as significant as rb claims. This also goes against your view that max is some kind of super human driver and he is holding off lewis in a cheating car - so another reason you can't accept the truth because it would mean max isn't as super human as you make him out to be. (This isn't degrading max, he is damn good and a generation talent, but you guys hype him up far too much by gas lightining mercedes)

And debunked again, if you were in a real debate that would have been the end of it the moment you started changing the subject and unable to counter the data.

Also note, I have not even made an attempt to pull redbull down, I am debunking your myths about mercedes and used relational comparisons to redbull.
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