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      11-25-2021, 03:49 PM   #607
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Originally Posted by F87source View Post
And just like that you are full of crap, if something doesn't look the way you want it to look , i.e. mercedes being the fastest in a striaght line to fulfill the narrative mercedes is cheating with their "jet mode" then you refuse to accept it. That is a denial of reality and a sign of being deluded beyond reason, you guys no longer have any credibility, because you do not stick with facts you stick with feelings.

How do I hate RB? Because I am defending mercedes against baseless accusations? I would defend any team even RB if accusations are baseless, but you guys literally only bully mercedes so they are the only ones who need defending.
The deluded one is you and are doing your upmost to put RB down with your nonsense, anything you say is more gobbledegook with no meaning, you're nothing but a Ham altar boy in disguise.
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