Thread: Flat Earth
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      10-26-2021, 07:57 AM   #199

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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Toronto, ON

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Originally Posted by e90335e36m3 View Post
Supposing I was able to overcome the circular reasoning and illogical faith-based arguments for can so many people have gotten it wrong who earnestly believe Allah is their lord and savior? So many people going to hell simply by virtue of being born in the wrong part of the world. Doesn't seem fair to condemn these people to eternal suffering for something as uneventful as their short life on this Earth, especially by a God who is good.
Wait, I can't overcome it after all. Would happily take you up on PM discussions. I've been married to a devoutly Christian woman for 10 years, have gone to different churches, read the Bible, tried to keep an open mind, but after all this time, I am still agnostic. I don't know if God exists or does not, but cannot go either way with absolute certainty.
Is God only good? Is that his only attribute? Or, as the Bible says, is he also a just God? I too will happily discuss with you - please feel free to PM me with thoughts / challenges / questions and I'll do my best to answer, although keep in mind it is coming from me, a deeply flawed human, so take it with a grain of salt too. I'm far from perfect, as a result, my answers are similarly far from perfect unfortunately. But I can tell you why I believe what I do anyways. But will try not to do it here. PM me.
Appreciate 3
King Rudi13071.00