After flooding/filling the bottom track with bleach, then waiting about 30 minutes and flushing with a lot of water, we seem to have knocked the mold down. We had some rain late last week and I washed the front of the house on Sunday - no smell at all. So I’m hopeful we took care of it for now, and I think we have a decent solution if it comes back (betting it will eventually).
I checked again with the mfgr of these doors. Ours, in spite of being only 7 years old, are out of production and there are few if any parts available. Don’t know how a 20 year warranty works with no parts support, especially since none of their current doors use the same track. In other words, if there is a failure of the glass seals, door frames, or whatever, I may be in for a total replacement. So definitely trying to make these last as long as I can.
Appreciate the help and suggestions along the way; thanks!